Sunday, October 21, 2018

{claire: senior pics}

I have watched this little pipsqueak grow over the years from the time she was a the time I potty trained her (Sorry, Claire...that's just always gonna go with the story of you and me pretty much for forever...! 😂) so many summers at now getting to take her senior pictures and watching her getting ready to graduate from high school in the spring!

Clairebear, I will always love the memories of little you, but I love hanging out with this gorgeous grown up girl who God is going to continue to refine into the passionate, strong, warrior for Christ that He has created you to be! I can't believe you're graduating but I can't wait to see what all He has in store for you! I will always be here if you ever need me...and if you happen to decide to choose a certain know there's an Africa room waiting for you if you'd like it!  😉 

I love you!
