Friday, November 8, 2019

{little miss sparkles turns 2!}

Well, this little bit has been the star of this photography blog this last year! Sometimes it's hard to be creative when your heart is sad and grieving - and mine definitely was after losing my mom last October, so photo shoots didn't happen as much. But this tea party shoot was probably one of my favorite ones I've done yet! Planning it out was good for my heart and I will be using the set again sometime soon! And little miss sparkles here definitely enjoyed it, which really was what mattered. :)  I'm not sure how she is ready to turn two already...I just did her one year pics the other day didn't I?! She is so so much fun, is learning new skills and words every time I see her, and makes me laugh all the time!

 Happy (almost) 2nd Birthday baby!
My love you!  ;)


Monday, June 10, 2019

{little miss sparkles: summer mini session}

One of the beauties of having a season pass to the local zoo is it is the perfect spot for a mini photo that's what we did last week...just cuz. :) Here are a few of my favs...

This one just cracks me up every time I look at it - she was NOT a fan of that long grass behind her that was tickling her back as she sat there! After this pic she just stared at me and said, "no..." ha!  So...we moved on to a different spot. :D