Monday, November 16, 2020

{little miss sparkles turns 3!}


This little bit somehow turns three this week! She has grown so much over the last year and is always a bright spot - thus her nick name. :)  We got out in the fresh air a few times in the last couple weeks and here is just a glimpse of her latest photos...

She learned a good bit of baby sign when she was really little and we still use some of it from time to time just for fun. :) 

Last year and this year - same spot, same girlie, so much bigger!  💗

One favorite activity is reading #allthebooks and talking about them so I capitalized on that for these next ones. :) 

Happy birthday my little ✨sparkle girl✨!  💗💗


Sunday, August 23, 2020

{baby dedication}

Last weekend I had the privilege of photographing a group baby dedication.  So amazing to get to be there as these sweet families celebrated and dedicated these long awaited babies.  These are just a glimpse at the families who were there. :) 



Monday, July 6, 2020

{tracey family: summer}

Time for family pics with these peeps! Everyone is getting so big and I'm a bit sad about that...but they're all super cute!  💜

 Not quite convinced this whole thing is a good idea... 😄

 Then she decided maybe it wasn't so bad! 😊
